Flash! Here are direct links to several cool interactive physical geology topics. You might need the Macromedia Flash or Shockwave browser plug-in (free) to see them:
- Rock Cycle Animation: including photos and descriptions
- Mineral Animation: including 3D models and good descriptions of mineral properties
- Igneous Rocks Animation: with textures and compositions
- Weathering Animation: physical and chemical mechanisms explained and illustrated
- Sedimentary Rocks Animation: from depositional environments to texture and composition
- Metamorphic Rocks Animation: with facies and relationship to plate tectonics
- Faults and Folds Animation: elastic, brittle, ductile strain, and relationship to tectonic stresses
- Earth Structure Animation: what we know about the mantle and core from earthquake seismology
- Plate Tectonics Animation: with an interactive map, volcanoes, quakes, rates of plate motion
- Groundwater Animation: with seasonally fluctuating ground water levels
- River Flood Animation: with watersheds, discharge, hydrographs, and flood control methods
- Mass Movement Animation: covering mechanisms and an interactive landslide game
- Glacier Animation: accumulation, ablation, and glacial landscape evolution
- Shorelines Animation: coastal erosion, longshore drift, engineering methods