sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Simulaciones de ciencia. Geología. Astronomía. Física. Zoología. Botánica

cience Animations
Movies & Interactive Tutorial Links

General CollectionsAnatomy & Physiology IAnatomy & Physiology IIBiology I
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General Collections

  1. MedMotion (mainly fetal and new born information)
  2. Interactive Biochemistry by Rodney F. Boyer
  3. Immune & Other Cellular Animations (advanced) Cambridge University Press
  4. Chemistry Animations Iowa State University
  5. Biology 7th Ed. Animations McGraw-Hill
  6. Essential Study Partner for Biology McGraw Hill
  7. zeroBio
  8. Powers of Ten Molecular Expressions - Florida State University
  9. BioCourse.com McGraw Hill
  10. Science - Human Body BBCi
  11. Interactive Health Tutorials MEDLINEplus
  12. Life the Science of Biology W.H. Freeman
  13. Chemistry Animations Louisiana State University
  14. Life the Science of Biology W. H. Freeman & Co.
  15. Anatomy & Physiology Animations Marieb
  16. NASA Simulations
  17. EdHeads.org
  18. Live Science
  19. Biology Animations Carnegie Mellon
  20. Steve Spangler Science
  21. Downloadable Multimedia from Penn State
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  1. Microbiologie Animations by Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil
  2. Investigation of a Microbial Mat NASA
  3. Phagocytosis and Bacterial Pathogens Thomas M. Terry at Univ. of Conn.
  4. TB Infection Timeline Rockefeller University
  5. Immunology W H Freeman
  6. Antibiotics Attack by HHMI
  7. How Anthrax Infects BBC
  8. Bacterial Growth Timothy Paustian
  9. Salmonella plus E.coli infection mechanism by HHMI
  10. Bacterial conjugation by HHMI
  11. Coccidiosis Karin Christensen - Scientific, Medical and Veterinary Illustration
  12. Bacteria movement University of Leicester
  13. Plasmid Cloning Sumanas Inc.
  14. Anthrax Sumanas Inc.
  15. Malaria, Peptic Ulcer, Anthrac and Antibiotic Resistance Sumanas Inc.
  16. Helicobacter pylori and Gastric Pathology John Hopkins
  17. Life Cycles of Malaria, Onchocerciasis,Leishmaniasis,Lymphatic filariasis,Schistosomiasis Liquid Jigsaw
  18. Life Cycle of Malaria McGraw-Hill
  19. Emerging Infectious Diseases Annenberg/CPB
  20. Viruses
  21. Viral Infection by HHMI
  22. Viral Subunit Reassortment by HHMI
  23. Micro Video Library University of Leicester
  24. Herpes Virus Replication animation by Karin Christensen
  25. LabWork University of Leicester
  26. Herpes Infection Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine
  27. Virology Flash Animations University of South Carolina School of Medicine
  28. Various Immune Animations University of Alberta
  29. Life Cycle of Hepatitis C John Hopkins
  30. Life Cycle of Hepatitis B John Hopkins
  31. ELISA Activity University of Arizona
  32. Making Viruses PBS
  33. Basic Virology Blackwell Publishing
  34. Identify the Disease Koshland Science Museum
  35. Molecular Medicine in Action Indiana University
  36. Viral and DNA Animations Harvard Education
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  1. Leaf Structure
  2. Plant Life Cycles
  3. Transpiration BiologyMad
  4. The Fungi Kingdom: Common Characteristics of Fungi Wisconsin Online
  5. The Plant Kingdom: An Introduction Wisconsin Online
  6. Fruit: Triumph of the Angiosperms Wisconsin Online
  7. Chytridiomycetes Wisconsin Online
  8. The Basidiomycetes of the Fungi Kingdom Wisconsin Online
  9. The Ascomycetes Wisconsin Online
  10. The Zygomycetes Wisconsin Online
  11. Various Botany Animations University of Alberta
  12. Transgenic Plants University of Nebraska
  13. Sucrose Transport by Terry Brown
  14. Regulation of Guard Cells by Terry Brown
  15. Life Cycle of a Moss Sumanas Inc.
  16. Life Cycle of a Angiosperm Sumanas Inc.
  17. Plants in Motion
  18. Sugar Transport in Plants Peerason Canada
  19. What Tree is it? Ohio Public Library Information Network
  20. Cambium Growth Photosynthesis Forest Biology Virginia Tech
  21. Plant Animations to Download Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
  22. Plant ReproductionBiotech Adventure Oklahoma State University
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  1. How Ozone is Made Air Info Now
  2. Greenhouse Effect University of California.
  3. One World Journeys Expeditions
  4. Various Ecology Animations University of Alberta
  5. Soil Biology Movies by T. Loynachan at Iowa State University
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  1. Fetal Pig Anatomy zeroBio
  2. Frog Dissection Video zeroBio
  3. Life Cycles of Plants and Animals Wisconsin Online
  4. Pond Life Videos Florida State University
  5. Various Animal Animations University of Alberta
  6. On the Trail of the BowerbirdPBS - NOVA
  7. Interactive Grasshopper Anatomy Iowa State University
  8. Alien Empire (Insects) Nature
  9. Asconoid Sponge Nebraska Wesleyan University
  10. Earthworm Dissection McGraw-Hill
  11. Sea Urchin Embryology Stanford University
  12. The Functioning Animal Thames Valley School District
  13. Bird's Lungs San Diego State University
  14. Earthworm Eating Michele Matossian
  15. Behaviors Sumanas Inc.
  16. Solar Compass Sumanas Inc.
  17. Hibernation BrooksCole
  18. General Zoology Animations Homepage at Connecticut College
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  1. Resources for Earth Science and Geography Central Michigan University
  2. Britians Rocky Past - Geological Time Line
  3. Plate Tectonics from PBS
  4. Planet Quest - Interactive Gallery NASA
  5. US Geology Sumanas Inc.
  6. Gallery of Flash Animations University of Leeds
  7. Animation List W.W. Norton and Company
  8. Animations, Physical Geology Focus Florida Tech
  9. Plate tectonics C. R. Scotese Publications
  10. West Virginia University
  11. Exploring Earth
  12. Severe and Hazardous WeatherUniversity of Illinois
  13. Hurricane Categories
  14. Rock Cycle Annenberg Media
  15. Dynamic Earth Annenberg Media
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  1. GLAST - Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
  2. Demos and Animations for Teaching Astronomy University of Illinois
  3. Moon Phases, etc. Sumanas Inc.
  4. Retrograde Motion La Salle University
  5. The Universe Freeman and Co.
  6. ESA Space Science
  7. BBC Space Interactives
  8. Lectures with Animations by H. Tahsiri, California State University, Long Beach
  9. Astronomy Animations Dr Cecilia Barnbaum, Valdosta State University
  10. Astronomy Education Animation Page Aerospace Educational Development Program
  11. Lunar and Planetary Time-lapse Animation A.Cidadão
  12. Astronomy Learning Center McGraw-Hill
  13. Animations for Astronomy 101 Eric Sandquist, San Diego State University
  14. Animations for Physics and Astronomy by Dr. Michael R. Gallis, Penn State Schuylkill
  15. WMAP Related Media Resources
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  1. Fun with Science Animations! by Peet van Schalkwyk at Science-Animations.com; PhET Interactive Simulations University of Colorado
  2. PhET Interactive Simulations University of Colorado
  3. Light and Color Molecular Expressions
  4. Einstein Light School of Physics UNSW
  5. Galileo's Battle of the Heavens PBS - NOVA
  6. Interactive Physics and Math with Java Sergey A. Kiselev
  7. Flash Animations for Physics by David M. Harrison, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Toronto
  8. The Physics Classroom
  9. Flash Modules on Energy and Electricity Pennsylvania State University
  10. Multimedia Physics Studios Tom Henderson of Glenbrook South High School
  11. Interactive Plasma Physics Education Experience! Princeton
  12. Physics Animations/Simulations Doug Craigen's Physics Pages
  13. Applet Thumbnails from Einstein's Legacy Physics 2000
  14. Why the Towers Fell - Try Hot Science PBS - NOVA
  15. Explore Science - Multimedia Activities
  16. Fear of Physics
  17. Virtual Physics University of Hawaii
  18. Color/Spectrum AppletzRochester Institute of Technology
  19. Electromagnetic Wave Absorption and Emission
  20. Computer Animations of Physical Processes
  21. Ohm Zone Article 19 Group Inc
  22. Physical Chemistry Animations Tom Greenbowe at Iowa State University
  23. Science of Sound and Light Learning and Teaching Scotland
  24. Animated Engines Matt Keveney
  25. IEEE - Virtual Museum Exhibits
  26. Amusement Park Physics Annenberg Media
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