
Experimentos de biología

Animaciones de biología ( Muy bueno, nivel alto)

Enciclopedia of life


Biología Mcgraw-hill (Nivel alto)

View full color, dynamic animations to help you visualize key biological processes.
You have the ability to control the animation by turning on or off the narration,
playing the animation with or without text, and can
start, stop, or rewind the animation to any point you choose.

Click on a Chapter Link below to view an Animation, a new window will pop up.
To return to this menu, close the chapter animation window when finished.

Chapter 5
Chapter 6
- Sodium-Potassium Exchange Pump
- Cotransport
- Endocytosis and Exocytosis
- Proton Pump
Chapter 7
- How Intracellular Receptors Regulate Gene Transcription 
- Second Messengers - The cAMP and Ca Pathways 
- Signal Amplification 
Chapter 8
- A Biochemical Pathway 
- Feedback Inhibition of Biochemical Pathways 
Chapter 9
- Electron Transport System and ATP Synthesis 
Chapter 10
- Cyclic and Noncyclic Photophosphorylation
- Photosynthetic Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis 
Chapter 11
- Mitosis and Cytokinesis 
- Cell Proliferation Signaling Pathway 
- Bidirectional Replication of DNA 
- Unique Features of Meiosis 
Chapter 12
- Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis 
- Random Orientation of Chromosomes During Meiosis 
- Stages of Meiosis 
Chapter 14
- Hershey and Chase Experiment 
- Meselson and Stahl Experiment 
- DNA Replication Fork 
- How Nucleotides are Added in DNA Replication 
Chapter 15
- Processing of Gene Information - Prokaryotes versus Eukaryotes 
- Protein Synthesis 
- How Spliceosomes Process RNA 
Chapter 16
- Restriction Endonucleases 
- Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms 
- Early Genetic Engineering Experiment 
- Constructing Vaccines 
- Southern Blot
- cDNA
- Steps in Cloning a Gene
- Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Microarray
- The Ti Plasmid 
Chapter 18
- The Tryptophan Repressor 
- Combination of Switches - the Lac Operon 
- Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes 
- Transcription Complex and Enhancers 
Chapter 20
- Integration and Excision of a Plasmid 
- Mechanism of Transposition 
- The Consequence of Inversion 
- Control of the Cell Cycle 
- Slipped-strand Mispairing 
- Conjugation with F Plasmid 
- Thymine Dimers 
- How Tumor Suppressor Genes Block Cell Division 
Chapter 21
- The Consequence of Inversion 
Chapter 26
- Treatment of HIV 
- How Prions Arise 
- HIV Replication 
Chapter 28
- Malaria - Life Cycle of Plasmodium 
Chapter 42
- Sarcomere Shortening 
Chapter 43
- Three Phases of Gastric Secretion 
Chapter 44
- Changes in the Partial Pressures of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide 
Chapter 45
- Chemical Synapse 
- Membrane-Bound Receptors G Proteins and Ca2 Channels 
- Voltage Gated Channels and the Action Potential 
- Sodium-Potassium Exchange 
- Action Potential Propagation in an Unmyelinated Axon 
- Function of the Neuromuscular Junction 
Chapter 46
- Effect of Sound Waves on Cochlear Structures 
Chapter 47
- Mechanism of Steroid Hormone Action 
- Mechanism of Thyroxine Action 
- Action of Epinephrine on a Liver Cell 
Chapter 48
- Cytotoxic T-cell Activity Against Target Cells 
- Interaction of Antigen Presenting Cells and T-helper Cells 
- Monoclonal Antibody Production 
- IgE Mediated Hypersensitivity 
Chapter 50
- Spermatogenesis

These 106 in-depth tutorials are designed to illustrate and explain some of the many complex topics in biology. Each tutorial has four elements: an introduction that describes the topic to be illustrated and puts it into a broader context, a detailed animation that clearly illustrates the topic (there are a few tutorials that include simulations or other types of content, rather than animations), a conclusion that summarizes what you should have learned from the animation, and a quiz on the topic covered. The clear presentation of complex topics make these tutorials a powerful learning tool, be sure to work through them in their entirety for the best benefit. New to the Seventh Edition are 20 Key Experiment tutorials that expand upon some of the most important experiments depicted in the book, as well as 10 additional new tutorials. All the animated activities include textbook references, making it easy for you to look up a topic in the text for further explanation. For details on how the tutorials work, click the Help button on the Animation tab of a tutorial.
Note: An 'E' indicates an experiment tutorial. These correspond to experiment figures in the textbook.

Chapter 1: An Evolutionary Framework for Biology
Chapter 2: Life and Chemistry: Small Molecules
Chapter 3: Life and Chemistry: Large Molecules
Chapter 4: The Basic Units of Life
Chapter 5: Cellular Membranes
Chapter 6: Energy, Enzymes, and Metabolism
Chapter 7: Cellular Pathways That Harvest Chemical Energy
Chapter 8: Photosynthesis: Energy from the Sun
Chapter 9: Chromosomes, the Cell Cycle, and Cell Division
PART TWO Information and Heredity
Chapter 10: Genetics: Mendel and Beyond
Chapter 11: DNA and Its Role in Heredity
Chapter 12: From DNA to Protein: Genotype to Phenotype
Chapter 13: The Genetics of Viruses and Prokaryotes
Chapter 14: The Eukaryotic Genome and Its Expression
Chapter 15: Cell Signaling and Communication
Chapter 16: Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology
Chapter 17: Molecular Biology and Medicine
Chapter 18: Natural Defenses against Disease
PART THREE Development
Chapter 19: Differential Gene Expression in Development
Chapter 20: Animal Development: From Genes to Organism
Chapter 21: Development and Evolutionary Change
PART FOUR Evolutionary Processes
Chapter 22: The History of Life on Earth
Chapter 23: The Mechanisms of Evolution
Chapter 24: Species and Their Formation
Chapter 25: Reconstructing and Using Phylogenies
Chapter 26: Molecular and Genomic Evolution
PART FIVE The Evolution of Diversity
Chapter 27: Bacteria and Archaea: The Prokaryotic Domains
Chapter 28: Protists and the Dawn of the Eukarya
Chapter 29: Plants Without Seeds: From Sea to Land
Chapter 30: The Evolution of Seed Plants
Chapter 31: Fungi: Recyclers, Pathogens, Parasites, and Plant Partners
Chapter 32: Animal Origins and the Evolution of Body Plans
Chapter 33: Ecdysozoans: The Molting Animals
Chapter 34: Deuterostomate Animals
PART SIX The Biology of Flowering Plants
Chapter 35: The Plant Body
Chapter 36: Transport in Plants
Chapter 37: Plant Nutrition
Chapter 38: Regulation of Plant Growth
Chapter 39: Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Chapter 40: Plant Responses to Environmental Challenges
PART SEVEN The Biology of Animals
Chapter 41: Physiology, Homeostasis, and Temperature Regulation
Chapter 42: Animal Hormones
Chapter 43: Animal Reproduction
Chapter 44: Neurons and Nervous Systems
Chapter 45: Sensory Systems
Chapter 46: The Mammalian Nervous System: Structure and Higher Functions
Chapter 47: Effectors: Making Animals Move
Chapter 48: Gas Exchange in Animals
Chapter 49: Circulatory Systems
Chapter 50: Nutrition, Digestion, and Absorption
Chapter 51: Salt and Water Balance and Nitrogen Excretion
Chapter 52: Animal Behavior
PART EIGHT Ecology and Biogeography
Chapter 53: Behavioral Ecology
Chapter 54: Population Ecology
Chapter 55: Communities and Ecosystems
Chapter 56: Biogeography
Chapter 57: Conservation Biology
    Chapter 58: Earth System Science

    Biology & Life Science Animations